Saturday, April 25, 2009

You're welcome

I have been cycling for about 10 years now. I have seen cyclist come and go. One thing that I have noticed is that when a person decides to take up cycling or any sport seriously, that person will often be at the bicycle shop. Be it in the morning, you see the person hanging there, other days you see them during lunch break, tea break and sometimes until the shop closes.

So much so that their circle of friends are now people of the same hobby. It becomes so obvious that when it comes to a celebration of a birthday or any anniversary, the invitees are usually the same group of people who cycle with you. It makes you wonder, what about their other friends? What was their life before cycling?


I am appreciative of many things that have come by. A good family, a large circle of friends, our 16 year old Proton Wira that is still running (almost) smoothly, my bike technician who without being told, replaces the missing screw and lubes the squicky parts while servicing, etc.

I used to be in a youth club called the Rotaract Club. My life before being a Rotaractor was pretty dull with the family business taking up most of the time. Being in the Rotaract Club open my views on so many things and I have learnt a lot from the training, mingling amongst other Rotaractors and best of all rubbing shoulders with the members of the parent club, the Rotary Club where you get to meet so many interesting people with open hearts willing to share their vocational experience and expertise. For this, I am appreciative to my friend, Edmond Koo who introduced the world of Rotaract and invited me in.

The same goes to hobbies like cycling. There are some who walk into the bicycle shop and after buying, joins a cycling group. But majority are usually influenced by friends. Like they say, poison the person into cycling. If you are one of the latter and now enjoys cycling like it is the best thing that ever happen to you, do remember to thank the person who introduced you to it. I was one of those walk in customer but I am appreciative to Lim HT for the encouragement during the early days of mountain biking in the Malacca Mountain Bike Hash club (M2BH).

As for the many people I have "poison", I say to you, "You're welcome".


19.6.09 - I am now listening to one of my favourite group band, Journey. Suddenly I remembered this article about Appreciation and I realised I need to record my appreciation to another friend, Leu Kok Keong who was instrumental in introducing so many bands and songs to me during schooling days. My daughter Michelle has now taken to liking the song "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey and I will slowly open her world to more Steve Perry's wailing voice when he sings most of Journey's hit songs.

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