Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Road trip to Kampar

My wife and I recently went to Kampar with our son Justin and his class mate, Alex to see the place that both of them will be staying and studying for the next 1 year. Both of them signed up to study at TAR College.

We hooked up our 2 old bikes, one of which was a Lerun mountain bike which had a rigid fork bought almost 20 years ago, on the roof rack of our car. The other was a chap ayam "Giant" that Justin used to cycle to school.

We managed to reach Kampar safely with wet rainy weather almost all the way. As I was taking a slow turn around the corner in Taman Bandar Baru, Justin's bike just fell off from the Thule 561. The incident gave us a fright! The bike was fastened on the fork with the front wheel taken off and somehow due to the weight of the bike and probably the action of warbling left and right along the highway caused it to loosen. Thank God it did not happen along the highway at the speed of 110km per hour. We really think God was giving a helping hand throughout the journey as everything went well and the next day after we got back to Melaka, the car radiator heated up. Some leakage somewhere that drained the water from the radiator.

The view from Justin's rented room, the Grand Kampar Hotel

Noticed anything wrong with the photo? We went for toilet break along the way and when I looked up from the toilet cubicle, there it was, staring back at me. What an angle to put a camera.

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